Lyrics: PAINT By I Don’t Like Mondays.
作词 : Yu
作曲 : I Don’t Like Mondays.
いざ手を伸ばして 風を切り裂いて
右も左もグチャグチャに 荒れた海のような時代
築き上げた価値観さえも 崩れ去ろうとした
羅針盤の指した先が 正しいのかどうかなんて
深く息を吸いこんで 瞳閉じれば
浮かび上がるのは 魂の示す航路
いざ手を伸ばして 風を切り裂いて 暗闇を蹴っ飛ばして
今 僕は僕のために 君は君のために そうだろう?
勝利の栄光が選ぶ人が 僕じゃないとしても
何かが明日に待っている そう信じたいから
深く息を吸いこんで 瞳閉じれば
聞こえてくるのは 魂を揺らす唄
今いる居場所が 理想とは違っても 僕は僕を超えていくんだ
皮肉な世界の今日も 好きな色で塗り替えてしまえばいいだろう
時に頼り合えるような 存在に支えられ
想像を超えた未来 摑み取れ
いざ手を伸ばして 風を切り裂いて 暗闇を蹴っ飛ばして
僕らは何処までもゆける 涙も迷いもいっそ引き連れて
YTB MUSIC: PAINT By I Don’t Like Mondays.
English Translation: PAINT By I Don’t Like Mondays.
Reach out your hand and cut through the wind
Draw your own map
In a time when both left and right were in shambles, like a stormy sea
Even the values we had built up were about to fall apart
Who knows if the compass is pointing in the right direction?
No one knows if what the compass is pointing at is right or not.
If you breathe deeply and close your eyes
What emerges is the course that my soul shows me
Reach out your hand, cut through the wind, kick away the darkness
Now, I’m doing it for me, you’re doing it for you, aren’t you?
Draw your own map
Even if I’m not the one the glory of victory chooses
Because I want to believe that something’s waiting for me tomorrow
Even if it’s the hapless howl of a defeated dog
I’ll just howl like a pretty dog
Breathe in deeply and close your eyes
What I hear is a song that shakes my soul
Even though the place I’m in now is different from my ideal, I’ll go beyond myself
Today’s ironic world can be repainted in any color you like
I’m ready for it
With the support of someone I can rely on at times
Hold on to the future that’s beyond your imagination
Reach out your hand, cut through the wind, kick away the darkness
We’ll go wherever we want to go, tears and doubts in tow
Let’s paint it in our own colors